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Monday, 21 January 2013


To match the changing requirement of local and global economy government introduces new Companies Bill. Companies Bill, 2012 has been passed by loksabha on 18th December, 2012 now awaiting approval from Rajya Sabha. This new bill has on platter better and bigger opportunities to the Company Secretaries as professionals. This Bill includes company secretary in the definition of “Key Managerial Personnel” of the Company. Following is the brief of some of the scope and/or position of company secretaries expected to turn on this bill becoming an act:

1.      Key Managerial Personnel: Clause 2(51) defines key managerial personnel of a company it includes Company Secretary along with CEO/MD/Manager, Whole Time Director/CFO, which means company secretary will be mandatory for the prescribed companies.

2.      Incorporation of the Company: like the Companies Act, 1956 in Companies Bill, 2012 too Company Secretary has been empowered to issue certificate of compliance for all applicable provisions for incorporation of the company.

3.      Signing Annual Return: As per clause 92 annual return of all the companies shall be signed by the company secretary in employment and if there is no such company secretary on board by company secretary in practice along with the directors. (Exception is for One Person Company, if there is no company secretary return can be signed by director.)

4.      Explanation on the qualification given in secretarial audit report: Now the board will have to give explanation in directors’ report, of any remark given in secretarial audit report by the company secretary in practice along with the auditors’ qualification given in auditors’ report.

5.      Secretarial Audit: Secretarial audit has been introduced along with the listed company for such other companies as may be prescribed, earlier it was there in case of listed companies.

6.      Functions of Company Secretaries: for the very first time functions of company secretaries has been defined.

7.      Secretarial Standards: The functions of company secretaries include ensuring the compliance of applicable secretarial standards, which in return says that secretarial standards which were non-mandatory till date are likely to become mandatory in the prescribed manner.

8.      Removal of Company Secretary in Employment: Company secretary appointed on board can be removed only by way of a board resolution.

9.      Certification in case of payment of managerial remuneration by a company having no profit or inadequate profit: in such a case auditor or company secretary in employment and where there no such company secretary has been appointed a company secretary in practice shall issue a certificate to the effect that that all secured creditors and term lenders have stated in writing that they have no objection for the appointment of the managerial person as well as the quantum of remuneration and such certificate is filed along with the return as prescribed. The person further has to certify that there is no default in payment to any creditor or dues to deposit holders.

10.  Penalty for non-employment of Company Secretary: Heavy penalty has been introduced for non appointment of Company Secretary.

11.  Expert: Company secretary has been incorporated in the definition of expert

12.  Company secretary as director: Bill allows a company secretary to also become director of the Company
It’s not only the straight and clearly written opportunities which new Companies Bill offering to the company secretaries but there are many hidden opportunities as well such as the Bill make it mandatory to appoint at least one woman director on board of the prescriber companies, As the company secretary can become director of the company too, the woman company secretaries most likely can be offered the position of director on board by the management.
In one liner we may say “Role of company secretaries in the corporate world going to be manifold in future.”

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