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Sunday, 16 June 2013

ESI Checklist

Employees' State Insurance Act
Sr. No.
1. the Act is applicable to non-seasonal factories employing 10 or more persons.

2.the Scheme has been extended to shops, hotels, restaurants, cinemas including preview theatres, road-motor transport undertakings and newspaper establishments employing 20* or more persons.

3.the Scheme has been extended to Private Medical and Educational institutions employing 20* or more persons in certain States/UTs.
Wage limit for coverage of employees
The existing wage limit for coverage under the Act is Rs. 15,000/- per month ( w.e.f. 01/05/2010).
Rate of contribution
1. Employer's Contribution=4.75%

2. Employees' Contribution=1.75%
Period of Contribution
1. 1st April to 30th Sept.

2. 1st Oct. to 31st March
Cash benefit period
1.  1st January of the following year to 30th June.

2.  1st July to 31st December of the year following
1. Register of employees to be maintained in Form no. 6

2 Accident Book in Form 11
1. Filing of return in form no. 5

2. Contribution shall be made within 21 days of end of the month in which it becomes due

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Checklist for The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

Sr. No.
The Act applies to:

a. Every factory (as defined in Factories Act), and

b. Every other establishment in which 20 or more person are employed on any day during accounting year.

c. Special provisions with respect to certain establishments are provided.

  d. Once the Act applies, it shall continue to be governed, notwithstanding the number of persons employed falls below 10 or 20 as the case may be.
Eligible Employee
1. Employees (other than apprentice) who have worked for not less than 30 days in that Accounting year.

2.Employees drawing salary/wages exceeding Rs. 10,000 are not employees.
Percentage of payment of bonus
1. Subject to provisions: minimum bonus shall be 8.33% of the salary/wages earned by the employees or Rs. 100 whichever is higher.

2.If allocable surplus, as computed under the Act, exceeds the amount of minimum bonus, then bonus shall be payable at rate subject to a maximum 20% of salary/wages earned during the accounting year.
1.Register of payment of bonus and set on and set off of bonus shall be prepared
1. Yearly return in Form D providing details of bonus paid to employees during the year

Sunday, 28 April 2013


Incorporation of Company
Clause 7(1)(c):
Every subscriber to the memorandum and persons named as first directors needs to give affidavit for subscription of shares and eligibility to be appointed as director
No provision for affidavit from subscribers of memorandum
Financial Year
Companies can have a financial year ending on March only.
Section 2(17):
Companies can choose a financial year ending either on December or in March.
Maximum no. of Members
Clause 2(68)(ii):
Maximum No. of Members can be 200.

Section 3(2)(iii):
Maximum No. of members in a private company can be 50.
One Person Company
New Concept of One Man Company Introduced
No Provision
Resident Directors
Clause 149(3):
It is mandatory for all companies to have at least one resident director, which is a person who has stayed in India or 182 days or more in the last calendar year.
No Provision
Woman Director
Clause 149(1):
For specified classes of organization, it is mandatory to appoint at least one female director.
No Provision
Independent Director
Clause 2(47):
Define Independent Director.
Clause 149:
Every listed public company shall have at least one-third of the total number of directors as independent directors and the Central Government may prescribe the minimum number of independent directors in case of any class or classes of public companies.
No provision in Companies Act, 1956 Listing Agreement defines it.
Maximum No. of Directors
Clause 149(1):
A company can have a maximum 15 directors but the limit can be increased after obtaining requite approval. A person can hold directorship in a maximum of 20 companies. However, out o the 20 companies, one cannot hold directorship in maximum 15 public companies.
Maximum no. of director can be 12 and a person can become director of 15 public companies
Quorum of general meeting of members
Clause 103 :
      2 members present in person in case of private company
      5 members present in person in case of public company having less than 100 members
      Fifteen members present in person if the company is having 1000 or more members but less than 5000 members
      Thirty members personally present if the company having more than 5000 members on the date of the meeting
Section 174:
      5 members present in person for public companies
      2 persons present in person for private companies
Transfer of Shares
Clause 58(2):
Shares of public companies are freely transferrable. However, contract or agreement between 2 or more persons in respect of transfer of securities shall be enforceable as a contract.
Section 111A:
Shares of public companies are freely transferrable.

Delivery of duly executed transfer deeds
Clause 56(1):
Duly executed transfer deed shall be delivered to the company within 60 days of execution.

Section 108 (1A):
Duly executed transfer deeds shall be delivered to the company within 2 months of execution in case of private company and within 12 months of execution or closer of register of members WEE

Issue of Share Certificates
Clause 56(4) :

      Within 2 months of allotment of shares and within 1 month of transfer of securities
      Within 6 months of issue of debentures.
Section 113:
      Within 3 months of allotment and within 2 month of transfer

Issue of Bonus Shares
Clause 63 to deal with bonus shares

No specific section dealt with issue of bonus shares only a reference given in section 205 of bonus shares
Buy Back of Shares
Clause 68(2):
No Buy-Back up to period of 1 year from the date of preceding Buy-Back whether approved by BOD or Shareholders.

Section 77A(1):
In case of Buy-Back made by BOD (10% of the total paid up equity capital and free reserves), no further offer of buy back is permissible with in a period of 365 days reckoned from the date of the preceding offer of Buy-Back.

Registration of creation  and satisfaction of charge
      Time limit for registration of charge will be 30 days, registration of charge could be allowed in next 300 days on payment of prescribed fee if the registrar allows on an application made by the company.
      Registration beyond this time limit will require permission of central government under clause 87 (clause 77)
      On failure of the company to register the charge within this 300 days, the charge holder may apply to the registrar for registration of charge.
      Time limit for registration of creation of charge was 30 days , in next 30 days charge could be registered with fine , delay beyond this 60 days time amounts to default and Condonation of delay required u/s 141

Corporate Social Responsibility
By virtue of Clause 135, the concept of CSR has been introduced. Company having net worth of RS 500 crore or more or turnover of 1000 crore or more or net profit of Rs 5 crore or more during any financial year will have to implement CSR policies.
No provision

      The Bill provides for mandatory rotation of auditors every five years.
      Clause 139(2) prescribed that no listed company shall:
a)      Appoint an individual as auditor for more than one term of five consecutive years and
b)      An audit firm as auditor for more than two terms of five consecutive years.
No such provision for rotation of auditors